Heal the past
Shape your future
Your journey awaits

Recreate your life at any age!

Logo Debbie Laino

This is what I do

I help women love themselves and life again, by healing the painful memories and limiting beliefs that have kept them stuck.

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I coach

The primary method of coaching that I utilize is the MAP Method.  MAP is an acronym for Make Anything Possible. The MAP Method of coaching is based on 30 years of research and hundreds of successful clinical case studies.

MAP is a gentle, yet effective neuroscience based coaching method that neutralizes subconscious blocks and rewires the brain. A MAP Session with a Certified Practitioner, effortlessly and gently clears fears, unprocessed emotional trauma and beliefs at the root by neutralizing the memories that created them. A reset point is then created, and you can generate more accurate beliefs and supportive emotions in its place.

So, how does this affect you, and why would you care?

Your conscious mind or intellect (willpower, analysis, strategy) isn’t enough to sustain a lasting change in your mindset or habits. It’s the information embedded in the subconscious mind that runs the show and drives 95% of your behavior.

The MAP method of coaching works with the subconscious mind to dissolve inner conflict and create more peace within the main personality. You’ll discover more insights, wisdom and an inner strength you never thought possible! There truly is emotional freedom! I see it over and over again with my clients.

The MAP coaching method has personally and professionally revolutionized my practice as a Certified IIN Health and Wellness Coach!

Finding your next step and moving forward can feel daunting, but together, we can easily navigate that journey in less time than you might think..

I can help you with any of the following:

  • Relationship distress
  • Childhood trauma
  • Managing negative thoughts
  • Emotional overeating
  • Body Image Issues
  • Chronic Stress
  • Disruption or change in the family unit
  • Preparing for career change and creating future goals
  • Improve Self confidence
  • Social Anxiety
  • Phobias and Fears

The average number of MAP Coaching Sessions it takes for you to experience lasting changes, are 4-6 sessions. However, this does depend on the depth and nature of the issues we’re working on.

Health Coach Badge
IIN Health Coach Badge
Map Practitioner Badge

I speak

I never pictured myself as a speaker, it was the furthest thing from my desires. I suffered from a  public speaking phobia my whole life – up until my 60’s, when I finally got over myself.  I became driven to teach, support and share what I’ve  learned with a dedication to help others to overcome their challenges.

I’ve been a featured guest speaker on several podcasts: The Podcast Business News Network , Women Beyond the Table (Season 2), and Flourish with Functional Nutrition Podcast.

I Present in an interactive workshop style to groups both LIVE and ONLINE on any of the following topics:


I connect

Organizing informal local gatherings to connect is one of my things.  I LOVE it when women are supporting each other. Offering group meditations and online workshops are some of the other ways that I connect others.

It all started with creating a Facebook Group, THE AGELESS WOMAN MOVEMENT, on a subject that is very passionate for me. 

The Ageless Woman Movement is about connecting and maintaining an I CAN DO IT attitude regardless of age. 

My personal message is that age doesn’t stop you from anything, but poor health can! Protect ALL aspects of your health (Emotional, Physical, Spiritual) so you can enjoy life decade after decade.

Know your value and DO THE WORK….because happiness is an inside job!

Who I Serve

Many fabulous women that I’ve coached, struggled with feelings of inadequacy and not feeling seen or heard.

Somewhere in their timeline they started believing they weren’t good enough, smart enough, witty enough, slender enough, educated enough or pretty enough.

Maybe… you’re not where you thought you’d be and you’re grappling with doubt, self judgement, fears and insecurity.

Maybe… your desire is to change your career path …..but you sabotage every opportunity, because deep inside you fear the unknown.

Maybe… you’re looking for your “person”, but you feel that you’ll never find that “one”, because someone once told you that you’re unlovable, unattractive, too difficult, too much or not enough…..AND you believed them.

Maybe… your relationship or marriage is hanging on by a thread…and you cant figure out your next step.

Maybe… you’re struggling with weight and body image issues. You’ve dieted most of your adult life….yet soon after reaching your goal….the weight starts to come back.

It’s important to know, that overcoming the doubts and fears that keep you “stuck” is just part of the journey!

Have you heard yourself beginning a sentence with “I can’t”?

Have you quit before finishing something?

Have you broken promises to yourself?

How often do you assume that the worst is going to happen?

If any of this describes you, things can change, but you’ve gotta change the way you’ve been seeing yourself and the world around you…..but HOW do you do that? That’s where I come in…to trail guide you through the HOW.

Coach Debbie

Upcoming Events


September, 2024

The Freedom of Forgiveness: Unlocking Inner Peace and Personal Growth


October, 2024

Break Free
From Fear:
Unlock Your


November, 2024

Releasing Resentment: Unlocking the
Power of


December, 2024

Farewell 2024,
Hello 2025:
A New

This is what clients are saying

“Thank you Debbie! I’ve had such profound changes since the last session.  I love that I’m in a new place now, just like that. Thanks for everything and the kindness you radiate.  It’s amazing honestly, I’m so so so grateful to you!”

“I want to personally thank you for the amazing session you provided me.”

“As a therapist and Life Coach, I have practiced many different techniques and had a lot of experiences with people in the helping field. I was curious about the MAP process mostly because I was drawn to Debbie’s kind spirit. During our sessions, I was amazed by the issues that surfaced that I had no idea existed in me. Even after years of both professional and personal work, I was thrilled by the awareness and insight that surfaced in such a gentle, non-invasive manner. The MAP sessions uncovered some very deep-seated patterns and struggles that have been there a very long time. This process helps reveal significant long-standing issues in such a gentle and easy way and Debbie is an absolute joy to work with, so no need to fear or delay any longer! Thank you Debbie for the healing in a simple, kind manner.” 

“Thank you for being the best coach ever!  I’ve been smiling about my progress all day!”

“Debbie has such a soul filled spirit we prayed together and I moved through a broken relationship that has done a 180 degree turn.   If you are looking for a partner to explore with you she is patient, kind and generous and you move at the pace best for you.” 

This Is What Clients Are Saying 2
Anne Cullen
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“Debbie Laino uses a holistic approach to support your personal transformation. She is the go to for women who want to find peace amidst a storm. Debbie is a lovely soul and her gentle methods will provide you deep emotional healing. I would recommend anyone to have a session with her.”

“I’m constantly fascinated with the weekly discoveries during our sessions.  Thank you so much”

Have any questions?

Contact me

Drop me a message! I’d love to connect with you and address any questions you may have regarding what you can anticipate from the coaching journey.

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