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Private Coaching Sessions

All of the coaching sessions are live with me on ZOOM, and are up to 2 hours long in duration, with exception to the INTRO Session, which is 60 minutes.

The MAP method of coaching can help you overcome painful memories, deeply ingrained patterns of chronic stress, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors and traumatic experiences.

Awm Website Intro Map Session

Special $99.00

Introductory MAP Session

Highly recommended for a first time client experience with MAP.

This is a 60 minute private 1:1 introductory session.

The intro session primes the brain and the superconscious for the work we do.

We’ll work on just one subject of your choice.

Awm Website Forgiveness Session


MAP Session

This MAP session unravels the complicated topic of forgiveness.

Forgiveness doesn’t change the past, but it does enlarge your future.

Unforgiveness of self or others can be a huge stumbling block to your future.

The goal is to be released for good, so you can attract more happiness into your life.

Awm Website Rewire For Stress Relief


Rewiring your Brain for Stress Relief

This package consists of 2 MAP sessions, focusing on reducing chronic stress. Session 1 is a health coaching session to help you understand the risks and signs of chronic stress and identify your triggers and patterns of stress. Session 2 is a MAP coaching session to rewire the brain and neutralize the beliefs and anxious emotions that come with stress.

Package Of 4 Map Coaching Sessions


Package of 4

This is ideal for working on a specific theme such as body image/confidence, career change or any subject of your choice and make a lot of progress.

How much progress you make depends on the complexity of the issues we ‘re working with and how quickly your brain processes new information.

12 Session Coaching Pkg.


Package of 12 MAP Sessions

This is the best value and you can utilize these 12 sessions in any way you like.We can do a mix of health coaching and MAP coaching.
Most clients benefit the most from having 2 sessions a month, yet there are others who prefer weekly sessions.

It’s up to you!

Awm Website Who I Serve

$111.00 per Session

Time Line Clearing Private Sessions

This one is a favorite with clients!

The Time Line Clearing is a mind blowing reveal of your life, easily noticing how life long patterns began to form and take root.
Time line sessions provide helpful insights from the pre-birth (inutero) experience all the way through to the present day. 

How many sessions a client may need depends on how much trauma there is. The last few sessions will focus on the present, what you desire and how you want to shape your future.

Awm Weight Loss Journey With Map Website Photo 2


A Weight Loss Journey with MAP

This 16 week group course will transform the way you think about weight loss, health and you. Traditional Weight Loss Programs depend on the conscious mind to adhere to a formula of diet and exercise for weight loss, then going on a maintenance plan for sustaining an ideal weight. The conscious mind can create the best strategies, smartest routines and “diet” plans to lose weight, get fit, etc. However, if you depend on the conscious mind for willpower, good decision making, and staying on track…you will likely fail because it’s the subconscious mind that drives behavior. The subconscious is ultimately responsible for the decisions and choices that keep the weight on or off.
This empowering journey will “pop the lid” to expose the underlying reasons for subconsciously holding onto weight, compulsive over eating, binging and clear any subconscious patterns that led to forming an unhealthy relationship with food or exercise.

This course consists of sixteen 90 minute MAP Sessions, four one-hour Health Coaching Sessions and lots of extra bonuses!

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